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Discover the 7 Vital Truths about Accountability and why you can’t talk about leadership without talking about accountability and responsibility.  A leader must delegate responsibility and provide freedom to make decisions, and then be held accountable for the results.

The 7 truths are your stepping stones to unparalleled leadership.

Accountant All – Stars I

Join the All-Stars and use these 5 Ways to grow your revenue and increase your profits.

On the one hand we’ve got ‘glacial pace’ as one Accounting Firm said to us and on the other, we have a minimum of 30% Growth. It’s an easy choice. Growth needs to be steady, sustainable, and repeatable but ‘glacial pace’ is unacceptable.

Accountant All – Stars II

Revealed – The 7 Must Follow Trends Accountants can’t afford to ignore. Our core compliance services have grown long in the tooth and are now thinly margined. These Trends will move you seamlessly into the consulting space where the revenue growth opportunities are and help you provide what your clients are looking for and at the same time help you remain relevant, retain the best of what you’ve got and attract more of the same.

Accountant All – Stars III

There’s an ‘Elephant in the Room’ and it’s the Missing Piece …it’s the piece that’s holding you back from achieving 10X more.

When you think about it, every business is two businesses – there’s the one that does the work and the one that sells the work. However, if you don’t, won’t or can’t sell the work – then there’s no work to be done.  No work, no clients, no sales, no cash – lights out.

Find the missing piece in this publication and take your business to the next level.

Accountant All – Stars IV
The Selling Myth

…is there one or are there several. It doesn’t matter because they’re just myths and lies that are stopping you and many of your clients from achieving your vision and goals. 

Discover the truth about the Selling Myth and learn how to ‘put it aside’ and give yourself the chance to achieve what you set out to achieve when you started your business. 


The top 5 ideas to align your team, get them all on the same page and focused to achieve your ‘best-ever’ results. Just like a flock of birds, alignment is the most efficient way to fly, and a strategy your team can also employ as it tackles challenges.

You probably know, when teams are not aligned infighting develops, frustration flares and projects get derailed.

Turn all that around with these 5 brilliant ideas.


You’ve heard the saying – “is the glass half empty or half full?”  

It’s a choice, isn’t it?

How do you turn ‘lemons’ into lemonade, turn adversity into triumph and turn challenges into opportunities?

It’s a choice, it’s an attitude and whatever that attitude is – it will affect every area of your life.

Look inside this ‘breakthrough’ publication and learn how to choose your ‘best life.’


Authenticity when used to describe leadership can be problematic. Discover the ‘gold-standard’ of authenticity in this publication and use it to be the leader your team are ‘secretly’ crying out for…


Be Decisive

Do you make these mistakes when making decisions?

Knowing how to be decisive, projects confidence and charisma and is a trait of true leaders.

Einstein said, “nothing happens until something moves," – and to move we have to make a decision.

Business Goals

The shortcut to financial success. It’s worth recognising that millionaire business  people who may earn 100 times more than many other business people aren’t 100 times smarter and don’t work 100 times harder.

They just know more. They know the rules of business and making money and they are always willing to learn.  You can too – just read this publication.

Business Growth

There is a science and art to business growth and not everyone realises this.

The key to success is getting these two ideas in the right proportions and in the right mix…meaning the mix of your passion, attitude, work-ethic and how strong your desire is …all of this will affect your results. This publication explores the right proportion and mix for you.

Business Philosophy

4 + 3 = 7 …and that is the number of ideas starting with the letter P … we just have to get…to have any chance of success:

  • People
  • Product
  • Process
  • Profit and 
  • Perseverance 
  • Purpose 
  • Passion

In this publication you will learn the remarkable power of these Ps…and how they determine the ultimate success of your business.

Business Resilience

Why do some companies freeze and fail, while others innovate, advance, and even flourish and prosper?

The answers are in this publication….and the key determinant is the awesome power of resilience. 

Business Success I

Here’s the choice …more time, more money, and more life or less time, less money and less life.  Are you running your business or is your business running you?

This publication shows you how to build your more time, more money and more life plan.

Business Success II

In this publication we discover the 9 problems all small businesses face and how to fix them.

Business Success III

You’ve heard it all before …you ‘gotta’ work ON your business more and less in it. Sure, but how?

Here’s how to take a step back from the day-to-day and focus on your ‘big picture’ and stop going around in circles.

Business Success IV

Here’s 12 small truths we’ve learnt from running and coaching over 5000 small and medium size businesses over the last 30 years. 

Business Success V

There are 7 core-management strategies top companies worldwide use…

In this publication we’ll take you through the strategies and show you how to implement them in your business for astonishing results. You can’t afford to ignore even one of these strategies if you want to take your business to the next level.

Business Success VI

Here are 9 lessons we’ve learnt to build your business and leave a lasting legacy.

When you see ‘work’ for what it really is …a privilege, it makes all the difference.

You don’t have to work.  You get to work…and that’s a privilege.

Today, right now, you have the opportunity to do something with your life.  To create. To share. To impact lives. To offer value. To leave a lasting legacy and do what you were put on this earth to do. If not now – when?


Client Satisfaction

You will be surprised by what an Applied Mathematician can teach us about Marketing and Selling and how to create a client for life.

Find out how most business people actually limit the amount of business their clients do with them and why they are not doing what it takes to secure a client for life.

Closing the Sale

How to close more sales, more often and it’s not about having a series of ‘tricky’ closing techniques.

In fact, when Dr Joe Vitale, (an international bestselling author and now famous for being in The Secret) studied 1500 sales, he found using more closing techniques reduced successful sales from 70 percent to 36 percent.  Closing techniques actually resulted in fewer sales.

In this publication you will learn the ‘real truth’ about closing more sales – more often.


Unconditional, authentic communication, one of the secrets of great leadership is easier than you think.  Just start with the one idea revealed in this publication…and it will soon win you many good friends, motivated team members and loyal clients


The world is a marketplace. We’re all sellers.  The default position of the buyer is ‘no.’   So, how do you come out on top? If you have ever felt stuck and feel the competition is beating you, then read this publication and find out how to get ‘un-stuck’ and take the lead.

Core Talkable Difference

Here’s the answer to why it is important to differentiate yourself in the market and take full advantage of what you have to offer.

A core talkable difference is a clear view of what your distinctive competitive advantage is expressed in vivid first-person customer terms.

In one word, what do you want your customers to think of when they interact with your business?

Companies that get talked about are driven by a higher purpose – they’re passionate about what they do. 

Explore this idea further in this publication.


A defining characteristic of great leaders.

Courageous leadership is what every employee hopes for and what every company needs.

Courage is vital for organisations serious about disrupting the status quo and creating success in an uncertain, ambiguous, volatile, and complex business environment that increasingly demands speed.

In this publication we explore the essential characteristic of successful business owners, managers, team members and leaders – courage.



If you are ready to move from doing to leading then read, study, go-to-school on this publication.

Learn how to take the misunderstood, often thought of as difficult, transition from doing to leading.  It’s easier than you think.


The importance of differentiation in business is clear – it helps companies develop unique niches within competitive industries or markets enabling them to thrive. 

Here are 50 ways you can create a meaningful difference for your brand.


Leadership is about effective communication, leading from the front, and bringing out the best in individuals according to their competencies.

Another crucial characteristic of an effective leader is the art of diplomacy.

In this publication you will learn how to Ignite your curiosity and develop the tact, skill, and finesse to be a master diplomat – an essential skill for successful leadership.






Have you ever wondered why some people seem to accomplish so much while others struggle along barely able to attend to their daily needs?

Highly effective people usually fulfil their achievements with less work and effort than those who accomplish little. The difference lies in their individual effectiveness. How you manage yourself at work defines your personal effectiveness and is a prerequisite to outstanding performance – in any area of your life.

There is a secret …and it’s about setting goals. Learn how to do it ‘the best way’ in this complete and popular publication.


What is it and why does it matter?

The role grit plays in success has become topical spearheaded by Angela Duckworth, who was catapulted to the forefront of the field after delivering a TED talk which has since been viewed well over a  million times. 

Find out what it is and why we all need to ‘max-out’ on it in our business.




Instead of giving you yet another publication filled with specific prescriptions (that may help or hurt your chances of success), we want to offer you something more valuable.   Here are the 7 keystone habits that will transform your life in  less than 6 months.

Headlines That Sell

Tried and true ‘Headline Hacks’ that will always get your Reader’s Attention. Guaranteed.

The 9 headline formulas in our publication are some of the easiest to write and the most powerful. 

When it comes time to write a headline, try one of these first.

At the very least, this can give you a creative jumping off point to write a headline that sells and grabs attention.

How To Think About Your Business

Most business owners work for a living - even in their own businesses.

Most small business owners, for example, do the selling, answer the phone, clean up, drive the van, go to the bank, answer employees’ questions, handle their customers’ complaints and so on and so on and so on – or as Mr. Michael Gerber says in his wonderful book – 

The E-Myth– they’re doing it, doing it and doing it.

Learn how in this publication by changing your thinking you can change your results.


Great leaders understand they rely on others to accomplish what they cannot do themselves. In short, great leaders know how to attract other people and work with them in powerful ways to achieve their goals. 

They also know the part humility plays in all of this. They know humility is an awesome strength rather than weakness.  In this publication you will learn the critical role humility plays in your success and the results you achieve.




There are two ‘standout’ functions in business. In this publication we explore one of them – Innovation. 

To be competitive and sustain growth, we need to constantly develop new products, services, processes, technologies, and business models. 

In other words, we need to constantly innovate.


In an era where absurdly low employee engagement and job satisfaction scores prove our traditional methods are failing, we believe the greatest responsibility a manager has today is to ensure employees routinely experience the positive feelings and emotions now known to inspire extraordinary performance

Will you use the inspirational examples of others discussed in this publication to forge your own path – or will you just wing it and do it your way?


Why is integrity such an important leadership trait?

 In a recent survey - both employees and CFOs rated integrity as the most essential leadership trait, and in fact a greater percentage of employees considered it the top quality in an executive.

This publication lists the pros and cons of leadership integrity …it will give you the information you need to make your own decision.

Is Your Business Stuck?

If your business is stuck in any way – then here’s how to unstick it.

Most businesses lack a concrete, clear picture of where the business is supposed to go. A vision…or ultimate goal. Most business owners simply fail to examine their current projections.  They don’t ask the ‘what if’ kinds of questions that lead to staggering success.

They also don’t understand what makes their business ‘get stuck’ and more importantly how to ‘unstick’ them.


Key Performance Indicators

The 13 Most Important Key Performance Indicators for your Business

 …also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI), help organizations define and measure progress toward organizational goals. They also serve to increase the efficiency and responsiveness of a business.

They are perhaps one of the simplest, and most misunderstood, management tools available

…so here’s your chance to identify the KPIs best suited to your business.

Key Result Areas

Your businesses top 7 Key Results Areas.

They will help you focus on what’s important to achieve your business goals and success.

This publication closely examines all seven.



Leaders are Readers

Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.

This is your choice but let us say … most leaders read four to five books a month. Leaders from the c-suite, the board room, political world leaders, influencers, business owners, managers and game changers read about 60 books per year.

The average person reads one maybe two books a year.

What does that tell you?


Why General Colin Powell chose these 18 Principles as the rock-solid foundation of his Leadership…and if they are good enough for him then they’re good enough for me. What about you…what do you think?

Leadership 2

Here are 7 Lessons I learned about Investing in Leadership Development from my time as Head of Training, Education and Development at Westpac

Limiting Beliefs

Beliefs whether they are true or not have a massive influence on the way we think, feel and act. But they can be dangerous if – in fact – they are not true.

Here are five limiting beliefs that might be ruining your business right now.


Marketing Tips

One of the most powerful ways to create a point of difference and build a relationship is by saying ‘thank you’ for your business or 'thank you for giving me/us some of your time’.

Less than 2 percent of people ever say thank you in writing. The important issue here is when you write the note, make sure it is handwritten. 

It will set you apart from the rest of the ‘world’ and your customers will rave about you.

This is one of 20 of the most important marketing tips for your business. Read on for the other 19.

Massive Action

I’ve been reading and researching material written by Grant Cardone for many years – Grant is an International Sales Expert – and while he’s written many books and articles his thoughts on taking action – in his book - The 10X Rule – have particularly caught my eye – so I’ve shared them with about 100 people whom I’ve worked with over the years…and I thought I’d now share them with you.

Find out what the 4 Levels of Action are and why normal action is a recipe for failure.

Moments of Truth

Here are 43 Ways to become a Referral Magnet.

When we began to study why some firms generate referrals effortlessly and others struggle we recognised the obvious way to generate referrals wasn’t obvious at all. In fact, generating referrals doesn’t have much to do with marketing campaigns, referral tactics, or strategic partnerships.

The way to generate more is simply to be more referable and have a process ( a code) where your clients enjoy their relationship with you and the service you provide so much – they want to ‘go out of their way’ to invite the type of clients you want more of – to become clients of yours.

More Meetings Not Less

At the heart of superior team performance is a rhythm of tightly run daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual ‘get-togethers’ and meetings – all of which happen as scheduled , without fail, and with specific agendas.  

The faster you want to grow, the faster you have to pulse. The faster you want to grow, the faster you want the feelings and thoughts of your team to vibrate throughout the business.

Here’s how you do that.




Negotiation is an event, or series of events, designed to produce an agreement of how best to proceed. But let’s be honest. Not all who negotiate do so with the intention of maximizing the value created for all interested parties. Some negotiate only for their own individual advantage.

Here’s how you turn that around for win-win deals.



There’s no question a leader’s ability to motivate, inspire, and create a magnetic vision requires dedication, perseverance, passion and skill.

If you are not passionate about what you are doing, you cannot begin to motivate others to do the same.

In this publication you will discover how passionate leaders get you ‘hook, line and sinker’ and why that’s a good thing.


I didn’t say it, but John Paul Getty did. (Once the wealthiest man in the world)

Patience …this is the greatest business asset ever.

Every leader like you feels the pressure of generating results, building the most effective teams, and creating a high-performance workplace to secure sustainable outcomes.

At the same time, employees are tired of the uncertainty and necessity to do more with less – often causing tempers to flare and growing workplace dissatisfaction.

This added pressure on employees to perform without knowing their succession plan or imminent future is not only testing their patience, but also their leaders.

People Management 2

If you want your people to do what you want them to do, it’s necessary to make them feel important. Then create an environment in which ‘doing it’ is more important to your people than not ‘doing it’ and where doing it well becomes a way of life for them.

In this publication we discuss how to get your people enthusiastically engaged in what you want them to do.


In the opening scene of the legendary film, Casablanca, an employee walks intently through the casino with a piece of paper in hand. The employee arrives at a table and reaches across to hand the paper to an unseen recipient. All the viewers can see is the recipient writing his signature authorizing a payment of 1,000 francs with the words - Rick-OK. 

The camera slowly pans up to Humphrey Bogart's face, and the viewer becomes aware of who Rick Blaine is.

From the opening scene, Rick establishes he's the boss, and in the end, he has the Executive Presence to do the right thing.

Here’s What every business leader ought to know about HOW to influence people for improved morale and productivity. Enjoy.


5 Steps to Multiply your Productivity and Revenue by 16 Times.

In 1906, an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto became fascinated with the distribution of wealth in his country. As he studied where wealth came from, who accumulated it and why, he concluded that the wealthiest people were not necessarily the smartest people, but they did do things differently. He also came up with an economic principle that said 20 percent of the people typically own 80 percent of the wealth.

Here's how we apply Pareto’s thinking to our businesses…

Product Pricing

How to price your products and services to meet any market conditions 

One of the secrets to business success is pricing your products properly.

Price your products correctly and you can increase how much you sell which can create the foundation for a business that will prosper.

Get your pricing strategy wrong and you may create problems that your business may never be able to overcome.

Professional Development 101

People who have more information have a tremendous advantage over people who don’t.

And though you may think it takes years to acquire the knowledge you need to become super successful; the truth is that simple behaviour such as reading for an hour a day , turning television time into learning time, and attending classes and training programs can make it surprisingly easy to increase your knowledge – and substantially increase your level of success.

Here's a way to get started…

Professional Selling 1

I imagined when I enrolled in a Business Course at Charles Sturt University that Sales would be a part of the curriculum. But it wasn’t. In fact, the subject is absent from most business and marketing courses including MBA programs.

If you accept the idea that ‘nothing happens until something is sold’ and that business is about making things and selling things, and that everything else is secondary, then this absence makes no sense.

Here’s Everything you need to know about getting started in Professional Selling.

Professional Selling 2

Over the years, hundreds of people have been through our ‘High Performance’ Sales Training Program – The SALES factor. One of the observations we’ve made on many occasions is the fact that you can have two people sitting side by side in the same room, or both doing the online version from the same business - learning exactly the same strategies and tools but only one of them will take these tools and ‘skyrocket’ to success.


It comes down to The Laws of Selling. Obey them and Win; Break them and Lose- Your choice.

Here are the Laws…

Profit 1

Revenue is one thing …and sometimes increased revenue comes with increased costs…so what’s really important is our ability to manage revenue against what it costs to produce it. 

The better we do this the greater the profit…and that’s what we all want.

This publication lists 7 Easy Ways to increase your Profits.

Profit 2

Here’s a big claim - 21 Ways to Increase your Profit in 30 Days – Guaranteed.

The 21 ideas have been extracted from the Instant Sales and Marketing Toolkit – a ‘treasure trove’ of ideas and strategies that lists and explains 358 proven ways to multiply your sales and boost your profitability. The Toolkit comes as BONUS service when you join the BOSS factor Library.

Profit 3

The natural instinct of many business owners is to decrease prices to stay competitive, but the reality is that a reduction in prices would have a dramatic negative effect on the business profits. If you were to decrease your prices, you would have to sell a higher quantity and attract new business to keep the same amount of profits as before. This usually only works in very specific industries, where products are highly competitive on price.

Instead of reducing your prices, many businesses could actually benefit from increasing their prices.

This publication shows you how…


Who your company is and what it does must come from the inside.

This is expressed in your core purpose.

Here’s How to create a lasting and inspiring purpose for your business – one that goes way beyond creating clients and making money.




I love questions. I believe in the power of questions. Questions are the path to growth. Questions are the leader’s tool of choice. Questions are the secret sauce. If you think I’m biased towards questions, you’re right. 

While the shift from telling to asking can be challenging, once you make the shift you see immediate and profound impacts in communication, engagement, empowerment, and growth. 

Discover the magic of asking questions in this publication.



10 Reasons we don’t ask for Referrals and How to fix it.

If you rely heavily on referrals for new business, then this publication is a must read. 


Find out why Great Leaders are Great Relationship builders.

Your success as a leader will be judged by your team’s results –and those results reflect your relationships with the people delivering them.


There’s a common thread that runs through those few businesses who are just bursting out the top all the time.

They’re meeting and exceeding goals. They’re realising their visions and aspirations.

And the common thread is how you treat people and more to the point how you treat people with respect.

Discover how to do this one thing and you will be able to rise to any occasion or situation and turn ‘lemons into lemonade.’


We must accept that we are responsible for everything that occurs in our life.

If you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything you experience in your life. This includes the level of your achievements, the results you produce, the quality of your relationships, the state of your health and physical fitness, your income, your debts, your feelings – everything.


Some years back, a mentor of ours shared some ideas with us and over time, we’ve adapted and modified the ideas and narrowed it down to six ways to reduce the nonsense in our life and focus on what's important.

Here they are…

Retention vs Aquisition

The ultimate growth strategy has been in front of you all this time: Your existing clients. All you have to do is make them happy and then figure out how to provide even more value to them.

Find out why retention is the ultimate growth factor and how to ‘scale it’ to your benefit.




To launch the product successfully and take your business (or product line) from zero to a million dollars (and beyond), you have to discover what I call your optimum selling strategy (OSS).

When you do problems will be easier to solve. Obstacles will be easier to overcome, and objectives will be easier to reach.

Find your OSS here – right now.

Sales and Marketing

A Crash course is Sales and Marketing.

Michael Masterson, a mentor of ours , said we should take an hour, right now, and study the following lessons and then study them again once every month for the next year. As we learn each lesson – do something about it and over the next few years watch as our business doubles, triples, its revenue.  

He was right.

Selling Principles

It all starts with WHY- doesn’t it?

Why are you doing this?

Why are you in the selling profession?

Why join the highest paid profession in the world and also the lowest?

In all my 40 plus years of professional selling – in all my sales opportunities - both victorious and complete and utter defeat – I have learnt millions of dollars’ worth of lessons …and I’m pleased to be able to share a few of them with you now…and the first one is about Why.

Slogans and Jingles

400 slogans and Jingles for your Research

Since the advent of commercial television, corporate taglines, ad slogans, and jingles have been fighting the front-line battle to penetrate our minds, win our hearts, and open our wallets. Do these so-called brand-bites exercise a profound influence on our language, media, and culture? In a word, yes. Time to find out more…


The biggest problem with the way organisations think about strategy is they confuse strategy with plans.

They aren't the same thing.

Strategic planning is an oxymoron.

Strategy is not planning, and planning is not strategy…and that’s why ‘strategic planning’ often misses the mark.

This publication will show you the difference and why it is so important to understand the difference.


Talent I

The surprising simple truth behind attracting, hiring, and retaining top-quality talent.

When teams are not on the same page, things go wrong. Time, money, and resources are wasted. Frustration builds and spreads throughout the team, and everything slows down. Mistakes are made. Quality takes a nosedive. Customer loyalty is compromised. Blame, finger-pointing, justification and throwing people under the bus emerge as a new skill set.

How can you attract and retain great people when some or all of this is happening?

This publication provides the answers.

Talent II

We believe our most common website visitor is a potential prospect. Someone who is checking out our service offerings, reading through our thought leadership content, and exploring the profiles of our experts. And while this is largely true, for many professional service firms there is another substantial group of users spending time on your website — potential recruits.

The reality is though, not every website is built with recruiting in mind.

Big mistake. Here’s how you fix it.

The Core Imperative of your Business

How to give yourself an unfair advantage over your competition.

Here’s an extremely efficient form of marketing that cuts right to the heart of your prospect’s mind and will have them ready to buy your products, your services, and your ideas almost instantly.

The Elevator Pitch

How to get someone’s attention in 30 seconds or less.

In essence an elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech you use to spark interest in what you and your organization do. You can also use it to create interest in a project, idea, or product – or in yourself. 

Use this publication to create am elevator pitch for you and your business.

The Growth Factor

Business is meant to give you a life, not consume it. Yet, how often do we hear stories about business owners working extraordinary hours and often wondering when will the rewards start to match the effort. 

Well, there is an answer and we’ve called it the GROWTH factor.

The Growth factor is without question – the best business advice you will ever get, and it helps you answer key questions about your business – all 101 of them.

The One Percent Rule

Why only a few people get most of the Rewards

The Pareto Principle ( the thinking behind the One Percent Rule) applies to all of us and is the factor behind such remarkably consistent phenomena as these:

 • Just 20% of the salespeople generate 80% of the sales

• Just 20% of the authors sell 80% of the books

• Just 20% of the movies make 80% of the money

• Just 20% of the music groups sell 80% of the concert seats

• Just 20% of your clients/customers generate 80% of your revenue

And just 20% of your daily activities are responsible for 80% of your success, income, and personal happiness.

Find out why this is important to you, your business, and your leadership.

The One Thing

What’s the one thing you can do that by doing it makes everything easier or even unnecessary.

It’s a tighter way to connect what you do with what you want. It’s realising that extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.

Here’s how you find your one thing.

The Sales Factor

See, at the heart of every sale, there’s a gap. It’s a gap between what buyers have now and what they believe they want in the future, between who they are now and who they want to be tomorrow, or even where they are now and where they want to go. This gap represents the value of the sale to the buyer and the salesperson…and to fill this gap in a professional manner we need to at least know the 10 truths of selling.

You don’t want to ignore this because it will make ‘all the difference ‘with your selling efforts and your results.

The Same Page I

How to get everyone on the Same Page and keep them there.

There’s a common thread running through very successful businesses, and it is three-fold:

Firstly, it is simply how you treat people.

Secondly it is about how to improve everything from sales to service to delivery by a minimum of 1 % every day and

Thirdly every team member from the owner to the newest employee are totally focused on creating a winning sales and service culture.

They must understand that nothing happens, and no additional job functions are needed until a sale is made.

Irrespective of the technology – people still buy from people.

And here’s the most important factor – these three ‘secrets’ are wrapped up and embedded on everyone’s ONE PAGE. I mean every owner, manager, and employee -everyone who works for these businesses – Have to be on the SAME PAGE.

This publication could be one of the most important publications in this library.

The Same Page II

Just like The Same Page I, this is a vital piece of business information. This publication shows you how to plug the biggest leak in your profit bucket…by getting everyone on the same page.

The Second Glass

Why sell ‘ONE glass when you can easily sell TWO?’

It’s an undeniable fact, proven over and over again: The cost of selling to an existing customer is far less than the cost of acquiring a new it makes sense, doesn’t it, to develop ways of selling more to existing customers and get them coming back to you over and over again.

Discover how to sell that ‘second glass’ in this publication.

The Selling Myth - Business Owners -

I imagined when I enrolled in a Business Course at Charles Sturt University that Sales would be a part of the curriculum. But it wasn’t. In fact, the subject is absent from most business and marketing courses including MBA programs.

If you accept the idea that ‘nothing happens until something is sold’ and that business is about making things and selling things, and that everything else is secondary, then this absence makes no sense.

In this publication you will learn Everything you need to know about getting into Professional Selling.

Time Management

What we do with our time is what makes the difference between a life of health, wealth, and wisdom… and one of striving and stress without success.

Manage your time, manage your energy, manage your procrastination with our Time Bank and give yourself the space and time to do what you want to do – without the stress or hassle.


How trust impacts everything you do in business.

There is one thing that is common to every individual, relationship, team, family, organization, nation, economy, and civilization through-out the world – one thing which, if removed, will destroy the most powerful government, the most successful business, the most thriving economy, the most influential leadership, the greatest friendship, the strongest character, and the deepest love.

On the other hand, if developed and leveraged, that one thing has the potential to create unparalleled success and prosperity in every dimension of life. Yet, it is the least understood, most neglected, and most underestimated possibility of our time.

That one thing is TRUST.



Unique Selling Proposition

A USP is an ultimate statement of benefit, or the single most compelling reason why a customer should buy from you over your competition. In a short, meaningful, specific sentence - a USP describes your primary distinguishing feature to your target market and lets them know what's in it for them if they do business with you.

Here's how to develop your USP.


Values And Core Behaviours

Your Core Values and Behaviours provide a moral compass for your people.

This publication shows you how to use your CORE VALUES as the ‘bedrock’ of your Culture and build a Business where people can only do one thing – SUCCEED


It doesn’t matter what you read, what people tell you, what the experts have to say – there is one thing that stands out more than anything else when it comes to creating a magnificent, successful business …and that one thing is what all the founders had in common…a Vision, a big-idea, of what their business would look like when it was done.

In this publication we show you how to create a compelling VISION for your business – One that keeps you and your team focused and inspired.


Vision, Focus, Action

Where to, What to and How to…

‘Lights, camera, action.’ So goes the famous cry of preparation that heralds the shooting of a film scene. And there’s some interesting wisdom buried in this three-word announcement - for your Business. Find out in this publication.


Your #1 Business Priority

The NUMBER 1 Priority of every Business Owner is the Sales and Marketing of their Business.

It’s not about what your products and services can do for people – it’s about the sales and marketing of your business and ultimately the sale of what your products and services can do for people. One comes before the other.

Find out more about your number 1 business priority in this publication.

Your Business Blueprint

This year, any year, now, today, anytime, is the right time to start the YEAR OF THE DO…meaning  are we talking about doing it or actually doing it.

What better way to start than by ‘drawing a line in the sand’ to represent where you are and another that states where you intend to be in 12 months’ time.

What are your Key Result Areas for the next year. What are your frustrations, challenges, goals, hopes, opportunities, dreams, and ambitions?

The BLUEPRINT discussed in this publication will get you thinking and get you DOING. 

Your Ideal Client

In this publication you will discover or confirm who your Ideal Client is… then you can ask the three Crucial Questions that lead to Increased Revenue and Improved Profits

  1. How can we get more profits per sale?
  2. How can we achieve more sales per client?
  3. How can we get more clients?

Each of these questions correspond to one of three basic ways to optimise the revenue building capacity of your business. 

Your Key Marketing Message

How to create an Irresistible Marketing Message: This five-step formula will help you create a marketing message that grabs your customers' attention and leaves them asking for more.

Your Must Do List

A Leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

Some Things You Must Do Yourself

It's a cruel but wonderful fact: The most important things in business cannot be automated or delegated. You must do them yourself…, especially in Small Business. Here’s your list…

Your One Word

There is One Word that connects all the things in your life that make you come alive.

Think about the friends you have, the music you listen to, the books you read, the movies you watch, the companies you’ve worked for, the businesses you’ve started.

Think about everything in your life right now that you enjoy.

They are all connected.

Until you figure out what that connection is, you’ll never live up to your potential.

Discover the one - word that describes you and the personal and professional power you can leverage from it. This publication has been read by almost 1000 business owners – just awesome.

Your personal success plan

The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but life without reason. It is dangerous to be alive and not know why you were given life. One of the most frustrating experiences is to have time but not know why.

In this publication you will discover a series of important questions to get you focused and on track for your best life.

Your Sales Story

How to get your prospects attention every time – guaranteed

We all need a SALES STORY...

Here’s our alternative to the elevator pitch and the value proposition, two annoyingly overused expressions that mean different things to different people. Last time we checked, there was not a whole lot of business being transacted in elevators…even though we have written a publication on it.

We explain how to construct your Sales Story.



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