AT LAST an easy-to-follow Sales Training and Coaching Course
in your own time and at your own pace…
Learn how to sell what you make
AT LAST an easy-to-follow Sales Training and Coaching Course
developed by International Best-Selling Author and Performance Coach – Trevor Marchant. (Trevor and his partner, Eve Dallas have been featured in the top 1 per cent of Sales Trainers and Performance Coaches in Australia and New Zealand)

…and it’s exclusive to your consultant
Learn how to sell what you make, in your own time and at your own pace…
The SALES FACTOR correspondence/online course is the evolution of Trevor and Eve’s highly-rated and successful 2 day Selling skills course – High Performance Selling. THE COURSE
The Course
There are 12 Modules on the Course, usually completed at the rate of 1 per fortnight – however you choose when and where to complete each Module.
The course can be completed on an individual basis or as a team. Its more fun if you can do it with someone else –
but not essential
…and the difference with this course compared to everything else you might come across is you are being coached by a Master Sales Trainer and Coach and you will be in contact with Eve and Trevor at least every fortnight.